Past Year Papers
Topical Questions
Topical MCQ Questions
Topical eBooks
Topical past papers collections of examination questions that are organised by specific topics rather than by exam year.
By using topical past papers, students can practice answering questions relevant to specific topics, improving their understanding and boosting their confidence before exams.
Teachers can assess students’ understanding of specific topics, helping to identify areas where further instruction may be needed.
All subjects, variants, papers from 2009 till now.
Questions from past exams were sorted by topic for the main subjects.
Topical eBooks from past papers were sorted by topic for the main subjects.
Online exam builder from topical questions, convert to PDF and print.
using exam-mate can enhance the learning experience and improve exam preparation for students.
from 2009 onward
in Pdf format
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By using Topical Past Papers platform, my son was able to pass all of his IGCSE exams with A+. Really appreciate it.
Build exam service is fantastic. I am able to generate exam for my students quickly and it helped me save my time.
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